Acne in itself is quite emotionally draining and the prominent scars they left behind is causing you even more stress. The good news is, these scars can be treated. Acne scars don’t have to be permanent, however, and there are a number of effective treatment options to explore with your MD dermatics in Singapore.
Why does acne create scars?
Not everyone gets acne scars, even if their acne was extreme. Acne scars form as a result of a few different factors, and they aren’t all things you can control. People with inflammatory acne, meaning their acne was often swollen, reddened, and painful are more likely to have scarring occur.
Cystic and nodular acne are two types of acne that contribute to scarring, as these types of acne extend deeper into the skin. If you didn’t get a good acne treatment in Singapore for this kind of acne early on, scarring will be more widespread because it went unchecked for a longer time. If you often popped or picked at acne, you are much more likely to develop acne scars as this is the leading cause of inflammation.
When your skin is damaged, the body produces collagen, which can form scar tissue in an open sore or wound. If the body produces too much collagen at the acne site, scars will appear as raised bumps. If too little collagen is produced, acne scars will form as depressions on the surface of the skin. There are more than four ways to remove acne scars, but these four options are the best and most effective methods to remove or alleviate acne scarring.
1. Skin rebirth system
This is the go-to choice of MD dermatics for skin conditions. Skin rebirth systems can treat a variety of skin concerns not just your acne scars but also hyperpigmentation, age spots, and dull skin tone. It is an all-in-one program that offers a seamless solution to rejuvenate and heal your skin. It has been proven to work deeper and penetrate the skin’s surface by targeting the problems at their root cause. At the same time, it stimulates new cell regeneration and fortifies the skin for a renewed complexion.
2. Skin tightening
Another acne treatment method is skin tightening, it is a newer procedure that offers the best results for the deep icepick depressions caused by acne scarring. Your dermatologist will employ a technology called radiofrequency to tighten the skin, effectively leveling out your acne scars. Skin tightening requires repeat sessions, but if you stick to the treatment schedule and bear in mind best skincare practices, the results can be night and day.
3.Aqua ST treatment
From the word hydrate meaning to ‘cause to take up moisture. Aqua ST treatment is the unique way to eradicate your acne marks. The treatment works differently from traditional microdermabrasion due to the spiral shape of the tip, which has multiple abrasive edges, meaning that the skin is exfoliated several times as the tip is moved over it in a planning motion, whilst the serums applied soften the skin and sebum (skin oils) making it much easier to extract away impurities.
4. Chemical peels
Chemical peels are quick and easy treatments for a number of superficial skin conditions, including acne scarring. Your dermatologist will apply a chemical to your skin that is acidic or has other abrasive properties. The most effective chemical peel for acne and acne scarring is salicylic acid because it reduces inflammation and oil in the skin’s surface layers.
No scars are not permanent
Each of these treatments can be conducted in a few hours at the most just like your average acne facial. The side effects for any of these treatment methods are minimal, with some short term pain and irritation being common. Ultimately, your dermatologist will determine the acne treatment that best suits your particular scarring and skin type.
If you are looking for the best acne treatment in Singapore, check out more on our website, schedule an appointment with us and let our facial experts help yous ay goodby to acne scars today!